What then is a Leadership???!!!???

March 6, 2009 at 11:46 am | Posted in General | Leave a comment

Leadership is not rocket science, its just a quality that is within each and everyone of us.
‘Nobody is born as a leader, but everybody just have it in them to become one’, its just a quality and the attitude that one has to develop in order to be a great leader.

The following is the profile of ‘three’ world leaders who lived in the same period of history and is it possible to choose the best one using the following data:

Candidate A was associated with witchdoctors and often consulted astrologists. He had two mistresses. His wife was a Lesbian. He smoked a lot. He drank eight to ten martinis a day.

Candidate B never managed to hold down a job because of his arrogance. He slept the whole morning. He used opium at school, and was always considered a bad student. He drank a glass of brandy every morning.

Candidate C was decorated a hero. A vegetarian, he did not smoke. His discipline was exemplary. He occasionally drank a beer. He stayed with the same woman during his moments of glory and defeat.

And do you know who they were….. They are none other than,

A] Franklin Delano Roosevelt. B] Winston Churchill. C] Adolf Hitler.

So what then is leadership? The encyclopedia defines it as an individual’s capacity to motivate others to seek the same objective. The bookstores are full of texts on this theme, and the leaders are normally portrayed in brilliant colors, with enviable qualities and supreme ideals. The leader is to society as the “master” is to spirituality. This, however, is not absolutely true (in either case).

Our big problem, especially in a world that is growing more and more fundamentalist, is not allowing people in prominent positions to commit human mistakes. We are always in search of the perfect ruler. We are always looking for a leader to guide and help us find our way. The truth is that the great revolutions and the progress made by humanity were brought about by people just like you and me – the only difference being that they had the courage to make a key decision at a crucial moment.

Each and every one have it in himself to be a great leader, and the difference is only in the way you think and act. As the saying goes ‘you become what you think you are’, just have a positive frame set of mind and be ready to raise above the tide and rule the world. And most importantly don’t forget that only a good follower can turn out to be a good leader, so always be a good follower and you would obviously turn into a great leader.

So all you leaders out there, get well equipped and get set to rock and roll this universe.

‘Fairy Tale’

February 20, 2009 at 10:28 am | Posted in General | Leave a comment

In ancient China, around the year 250 B.C., a certain prince of the region of Thing-Zda was about to be crowned emperor; however, according to the law, he first had to get married.

Since this meant choosing the future empress, the prince needed to find a young woman whom he could trust absolutely. On the advice of a wise man, he decided to summon all the young women of the region in order to find the most worthy candidate.

An old lady, who had served in the palace for many years, heard about the preparations for this gathering and felt very sad, for her daughter nurtured a secret love for the prince.

When the old lady got home, she told her daughter and was horrified to learn that her daughter intended going to the palace.

The old lady was desperate.

‘But, daughter, what on earth will you do there? All the richest and most beautiful girls from the court will be present. It’s a ridiculous idea! I know you must be suffering, but don’t turn that suffering into madness.’

And the daughter replied:

‘My dear mother, I am not suffering and I certainly haven’t gone mad. I know that I won’t be chosen, but it’s my one chance to spend at least a few moments close to the prince, and that makes me happy, even though I know that a quite different fate awaits me.’

That night, when the young woman reached the palace, all the most beautiful girls were indeed there, wearing the most beautiful clothes and the most beautiful jewellery, and prepared to do anything to seize the opportunity on offer.

Surrounded by the members of his court, the prince announced a challenge.

‘I will give each of you a seed. In six months’ time, the young woman who brings me the loveliest flower will be the future empress of China.’

The girl took her seed and planted it in a pot, and since she was not very skilled in the art of gardening, she prepared the soil with great patience and tenderness, for she believed that if the flowers grew as large as her love, then she need not worry about the results.

Three months passed and no shoots had appeared. The young woman tried everything; she consulted farmers and peasants, who showed her the most varied methods of cultivation, but all to no avail. Each day she felt that her dream had moved farther off, although her love was as alive as ever.

At last, the six months were up, and still nothing had grown in her pot. Even though she had nothing to show, she knew how much effort and dedication she had put in during that time, and so she told her mother that she would go back to the palace on the agreed date and at the agreed hour. Inside she knew that this would be her last meeting with her true love and she would not have missed it for the world.

The day of the audience arrived. The girl appeared with her plantless pot, and saw that all the other candidates had achieved wonderful results: each girl bore a flower lovelier than the last, in the most varied forms and colours.

Finally, the longed-for moment came. The prince entered and he studied each of the candidates with great care and attention. Having inspected them all, he announced the result and chose the servant’s daughter as his new wife.

All the other girls present began to protest, saying that he had chosen the only one of them who had not managed to grow anything at all.

Then the prince calmly explained the reasoning behind the challenge:

‘This young woman was the only one who cultivated the flower that made her worthy of becoming the empress: the flower of honesty. All the seeds I handed out were sterile, and nothing could ever have grown from them.’

What WOMEN Want????

February 3, 2009 at 10:21 am | Posted in General | Leave a comment

I just found an interesting article, which states what a women really wants from a man rather than the usual man who always wants/looks for something from a women[and the lists is exclusively prepared by women themselves]… And I feel the points described below are very true and, yes, really the women are very clear about men/what they want from him…

So here’s the list given by women on what they want from a man……

Women love men because they can never fake orgasms, even if they wanted to.

Because they write poems, songs, and books in our honor.

Because they never understand us, but they never give up.

Because they can see beauty in women when women have long ceased to see any beauty in themselves.

Because they come from little boys.

Because they can churn out long, intricate, Machiavellian, or incredibly complex mathematics and physics equations, but they can be comparably clueless when it comes to women.

Because they are incredible lovers and never rest until we’re happy.

Because they elevate sports to religion.

Because they’re never afraid of the dark.

Because they don’t care how they look or if they age.

Because they persevere in making and repairing things beyond their abilities, with the naïve self-assurance of the teenage boy who knew everything.

Because they never wear or dream of wearing high heels.

Because they’re always ready for sex.

Because they’re like pomegranates: lots of inedible parts, but the juicy seeds are incredibly tasty and succulent and usually exceed your expectations.

Because they’re afraid to go bald.

Because you always know what they think and they always mean what they say.

Because their biggest fear is not being a man, and for this, they need to go away from time to time.

Because they love machines, tools, and implements with the same ferocity women love jewelry.

Because they go to great lengths to hide, unsuccessfully, that they are frail and human.

Because they either speak too much or not at all to that end.

Because they always finish the food on their plate.

Because they are brave in front of insects and mice.

Because a well-spoken four-year old girl can reduce them to silence, and a beautiful 25-year old can reduce them to slobbering idiots.

Because they want to be either omnivorous or ascetic, warriors or lovers, artists or generals, but nothing in-between.

Because for them there’s no such thing as too much adrenaline.

Because when all is said and done, they can’t live without us, no matter how hard they try.

Because they’re truly as simple as they claim to be.

Because they love extremes and when they go to extremes, we’re there to catch them.

Because they’ve got that comfortable place on their shoulder that’s perfect for snuggling into while we fall asleep.

Because they are tender they when they cry, and how seldom they do it.

Because what they lack in talk, they tend to make up for in action.

Because they make excellent companions when driving through rough neighborhoods or walking past dark alleys.

Because they really love their moms, and they remind us of our dads.

Because they never care what their horoscope, their mother-in-law, nor the neighbors say.

Because they rarely lie about their age, their weight, or their clothing size.

Because they give great hugs, ( and always melt our hearts when a sweet “I love you” is added)

Because they have an uncanny ability to look deeply into our eyes and connect with our heart, even when we don’t want them to.

Because we love them, and only a man would think that requires an explanation.

2009 – Year of ‘CHANGE’

January 2, 2009 at 11:24 am | Posted in Change is What we want | Leave a comment


But start slowly, because direction is more important than speed.

Sit in another chair, on the other side of the table.

Later on, change tables.

When you go out, try to walk on the other side of the street. Then change your route, walk calmly down other streets, observing closely the places you pass by.

Take other buses. Change your wardrobe for a while; give away your old shoes and try to walk barefoot for a few days – even if only at home.

Take off a whole afternoon to stroll about freely, listening to the birds or the noise of the cars.

Open and shut the drawers and doors with your left hand.

Sleep on the other side of the bed. Then try sleeping in other beds.

Watch other TV programs, read other books, live other romances – even of only in your imagination.

Sleep until later. Go to bed earlier.

Learn a new word a day.

Eat a little less, eat a little more, eat differently; choose new seasonings, new colors, things you have never dared to experiment.

Lunch in other places, go to other restaurants, order another kind of drink and buy bread at another bakery.

Lunch earlier, have dinner later, or vice-versa.

Try something new every day: a new side, a new method, a new flavor, a new way, a new pleasure, a new position.

Pick another market, another make of soap, another toothpaste.

Take a bath at different times of the day.

Use pens with different colors.

Go and visit other places.

Love more and more and in different ways. Even when you think that the other will be frightened, suggest what you have always dreamed about doing when you make love.

Change your bag, your wallet, your suitcases, buy new glasses, write other poems.

Open an account in another bank, go to other cinemas, other hairdressers, other theaters, visit new museums.

Change. And think seriously of finding another job, another activity, work that is more like what you expect from life, more dignified, more human.

If you cannot find reasons to be free, invent them: be creative.

And grab the chance to take a long, enjoyable trip – preferably without any destination.

Try new things. Change again. Make another change. Experiment something else.

You will certainly know better things and worse things than those you already know, but that does not matter. 

What matters most is change, movement, dynamism, energy.


‘Only what is dead does not change – and you are alive’.

Let’s welcome the change, and ‘Dare to be Different‘.

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